DESIRE participation in GCREEDER conference

Under the patronage of His Royal Highness, Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein inaugurates the 6th Global Conference on Renewable Energy Efficiency for Desert Regions (GCREEDER 2018) at the University of Jordan (UoJ). The conference looks for the participation of local and international energy experts and academics. The opening ceremony featured remarks from Dr. Saleh Al-Kharabsheh, Jordan’s Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources; Prof. Azmi Mahafzah, President of UoJ; and Prof. Abeer Al-Bawab, General Director of the Scientific Research Support Fund (SRSF). Also at the ceremony, HRH Prince Hamzah presented the honor trophies to the conference sponsors and guests of honor, including Prof. Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli, DESIRE’s Project Coordinator.
The exhibition included different Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), in addition to the funded projects by the European Union that partnered with UoJ, where DESIRE had a booth among them. Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein toured the exhibition passing by the DESIRE booth and was interested to know more about the project, where the DESIRE team from German Jordanian University (GJU) provided him with an overview.
The three-day event focused on the applications and technologies of renewable energy for desert regions and devoted a number of sessions to address investments in renewable energy regulations and policies. The DESIRE partners from Damascus University (DU) and Tishreen University (TU) participated in the dissemination event during the first day of the conference.
During the first day, the DESIRE team from GJU with the help of the DESIRE partners provided an overview about the DESIRE project to the visitors and the interested entities, companies and stakeholders. The team kept various participants up to date with the DESIRE activities by encouraging them to join the DESIRE network.
On the second day, the DESIRE team held a session to present the work performed by students from UoJ who enrolled in one of DESIRE modules. Six scientific reports were presented on different topics related to the socio-economic impact of renewable energy and energy efficiency. They included statistics regarding some of the renewable energy projects in Jordan.

Dr. Gabriella Calderari, of Sapienza University of Rome (UNIROMA1), hosted a workshop about the DESIRE e-learning platform targeted for the project’s beneficiary universities. Dr. Calderari explained the main points of the e-learning platform such as accounts creation and course editing and implementation.

EU Funded Projects Workshop was also held during the second day of the conference where dissemination and implementation lectures were provided by the projects’ project coordinators. Nouf Al-Heyari from GJU, on the behalf or Prof. Al-Halhouli, presented an introduction about the DESIRE project to the attendees, its goals and the socio-economic impact on society such as job creation, increasing the international exports and reducing fuel imports, illustrating the importance of renewable energy in achieving growth and sustainability.