Sustainability and Exploitation of Results

Aswan University
Task 6.1: Sustainability Plan
The aims of the work package are to ensure sustainability of the project achievements after its conclusion and to ensure the impact of the project results, methods and the added good practice on policies and practices.
A successful exploitation is highly related to a successful and timely dissemination. Therefore, the project partners will become the disseminators and promoters of the project results and outcomes. The established network, mainly universities and training centres on both national and regional levels, shall continue through its experts and decision makers to exploit the resulted teaching and training modules in their institutions to prepare students and trainees (target groups) for a more competitive and innovative renewable energy and energy efficiency market.
The sustainability of the Action can be ensured at different levels:
The preliminary needs analysis;
The structure of the modules;
Training activities;
Access to labour market.
Moreover, sustainability is strictly linked to financial, institutional, social and environmental issues. A sustainability plan will be elaborated under the supervision of STC and StC. The plan will set guidelines for orienting the implementation of all activities following a sustainability perspective.