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Type:  Erasmus+, capacity building in the field of higher education


Project title: Development of higher Education teaching modules on the Socio-economic Impacts of the Renewable Energy implementation


Grant Holder: German Jordanian University (GJU)


Budget:   985,055.00 Euros


Duration:  3 Years


Start Date: 15 October 2015 - 14 October 2018  (Get an extension of six months, till April 14th, 2019)    


Subject Area:  Renewable Energy

Main Objectives


The main objective of the project is to provide a high quality education for MENA students in the key aspects of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REEE) technology with the emphasis on the socioeconomic aspects of these technologies, therefore enabling them to take responsible, creative, challenging and stimulating posts in policymaking, industry or research in this targeted field. The additional specific objectives of the project are to promote and publicize new REEE technologies in the country and considerably increase the scale of REEE technologies application in public and private buildings in accordance with the National Energy Plan via highlighting the high socio economic impacts of these technologies. DESIRE foresees n. 5 activities:

  1. To introduce 4-6 modules in the topic of socio-economic impacts of renewable energy to the curriculum of undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes in different faculties at different partner and associated universities in the MENA region and possibly in the EU.

  2. To develop and implement online modules and study material related to the socio-economics impacts of renewable energy utilization as an e-learning platform for a better outreach for the target groups.

  3. Carry out campaigns, workshops and public awareness activities to enhance the understanding of the socio-economic impacts of renewable energy projects on both national and individual consumer levels.

  4. To enhance the capabilities of existing REEE training entities at partner and associated universities to improve their capacity building programmes and long-life training in the field.

  5. To establish a national regional and international network that will establish cooperation between partner and associated MENA universities and EU partners with respect to the socio-economic impacts of the utilization of renewable energy systems.

The project specific objectives are as follow:

  1. To introduce the topic of socio-economic impacts of renewable energy to the curricula of undergraduate and postgraduates programmes in different MENA and EU universities.

  2. To deepen the understanding of the socio-economic impacts of renewable energy projects among communities, working force and university renewable energy faculty members and graduates in the MENA region.

  3. To improve the quality of renewabke energy courses offered in the partner and associated universities.

  4. To develop and implement online teaching modules in the field socio-economics impacts of renewable energy for a wider dissemination.

  5. To enhance cooperation amongst Jordanian, Egyptian, Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese Universities on one hand and these with EU Universities on the other hand in the fireld of socio-economic impacts of the implementation of renewable energy technologies.

  6. To build the capacities of the university teaching staff in partner and associated universities through training workshops and exchange activities.

Expected Impact of the Project

  1. The importance of this project comes from highlighting the importance of the socio-economic dimension of REEE by integrating it into REEE teaching programmes offered at HEIs in beneficiary countries. The expected impact of this project is mainly making the teaching of REEE at participating universities more comprehensive by covering the socio-economic dimension. This shall enhance the students’ knowledge level and hence support the sustainable development of the sector that in turn shall improve the REEE market performance in these countries.

  2. The developed materials when implemented shall lead to a better understanding of the socio-economic impacts of implementing renewable energy and energy efficiency (REEE) technologies. This enables a faster and more sustainable development of the REEE market. As a result of the implementation for the new materials, the targeted knowledge field will be better represented in the existing teaching curricula at universities to lead to a proper preparation of qualified working force needed to sustain the development of the REEE market will be ensured.

  3.  Additionally, the dissemination of the materials through the e-learning platform shall facilitate a wider spread of the materials on global level with a similar effect Furthermore, this shall support continuing cooperation among partners through exchange of students and teachers and initiating new projects.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the commission cannot be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Amman Madaba Street, P.O. Box 35247

Amman 11180 Jordan

Project Coordinator |  Prof. Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli  |  Tel +962 6 429-4214             

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