Published Papers
Socioeconomic Impact of Renewable Energy on Rural Community in Jordan - Shams Ma'an (W. Nsour, A. Al-Salaymeh, L. Qoaider and Th. Fink)
Job Creation of Renewable Energy in Jordan (Mohammad Qasem, Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Louy Qoaider and Thomas Fink)
The Potential of Solar Industrial Process Heating (SIPH) in Jordan: Socio-economic study (N. Al-Mansi, M. Al-Refaie, Al-Salaymeh, L.Qoaider and T.Fink)
Assessment Study of the Environmental and Socio Economic Impact on Tafila Wind Energy Project (A. Sarsak, T. Faza’, and A. Al-Salaymeh )
Environmental Impact of Renewable Energy Implementation on Human Health, and Well-being (M. Qomsiya, A. Farhan, A. Al-Salaymeh, L. Qoaider, and T. Fink)
Socio-economic Aspects of Biogas Projects in Jordan (Lina Jarrar, Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Louy Qoaider and Thomas Fink)
Innovative solutions for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency in Jordan (Farah Dawoud, Abeer Jbour, Ahmed Al-Salaymeh, Louy Qoaider and Thomas Fink )
The Environmental and Economy Impact of using alternatives Fuels in Jordan (Z. Smadi, A. Al-Salaymeh, and L. Qoaider, T. Fink)
* To see full articles please visit GCREEDER website