Development of Modules, Training Sessions and Online Contents

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy
Task 3.1: Tutorials and Teaching Materials
Task 3.2: Creating an e-learning Platform
This work package aims at the development of new teaching modules in the field of the socio-economics of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The Wuppertal Institute (WI) is leading this work package according to its significant experience in socio-economic research on renewable energy and energy efficiency as well as from a recently developed master program focused on sustainability management at the University of Wuppertal but also the development of teaching materials for universities (including the distance learning university Hagen in Germany).
The work package includes the coordination and support of the development of teaching modules based on data and results of previous work packages. Here, relevant research topics in the field of socio-economic research are identified and research questions that address needs of stakeholders and societies in countries are formulated.
Based on the elaborated research questions the required profile of this work package as well as content for teaching and training modules is developed in a structured way. The whole process is based on an appropriate contribution of participating universities under the coordination and with support of WI. Actually, WI will bundle the input of the various universities and will amongst others help with preparatory guidelines at the very beginning. The implementation of teaching modules is supported through an e-learning platform and the provision of e-learning courses. The number of e-learning courses will be extended to five courses during the project duration. WP3 designs teaching modules as General Modules conducted in form of university elective courses or as Special Modules for each school (engineering, business, etc).
You can access all courses and supporting materials here