Dissemination and Promotion

Cairo University
Task 9.1: Dissemination Committee.
Task 9.2: Development of Dissemination Plan
Task 9.3: DESIRE Web-site
Task 9.4: Socio-economics Impact on RE Workshop.
Task 9.5: Final Dissemination Seminar
The need in the local market as well as the regional market for RE engineers will be increased dramatically especially after the issuing of the renewable energy and energy efficiency law in Jordan, Egypt and Syria recently. The MENA countries have a plan to increase the share of RE in the total energy mix and therefore the need for such a program is extended outside Jordan, Egypt and Syria to the regional countries and also to international. Many activities will be organized and stakeholders will be invited as well as the companies, ministries, and media. These activities which will be the tool to spread the idea of this project and will consist of seminars, reports for distribution, website to diffuse DESIRE results, newsletters, flyers and posters which will be distributed to all stakeholders. Publicity brochures will be printed and distributed across the partner universities to attract students to the new courses. DESIRE will be disseminated in the workshops, seminars, conferences, to which all universities will be invited to the workshops and are expected to adopt the project. Furthermore, the project be disseminated through publications in international research journals and presentations at international conferences. In addition, an external expert will ensure that the outcomes will be evaluated from an external point of view and meet the actual needs and standards of end users and target groups. Towards the end of the first year, a dissemination workshop will be held in Aswan to publicize developments and encourage participation of students from all MENA countries.
Sustainable activities are designed to ensure that institutions are committed, and have the ability to continue implementation of the outcomes of the project after its lifetime. To ensure the sustainability, the project will produce newly prepared teaching material that will be included in the regular programmes of the participating universities.