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German Jordanian University (GJU)

Amman, Jordan

The GJU is a public university located in Mushaqqar/Madaba. It was founded in 2004 in cooperation between the Jordanian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research to follow the German applied-sciences model, characterized by their focus on putting knowledge into practice and on promoting knowledge transfer. The GJU aims to play a significant role in promoting links between Jordan and `Europe.

The University has grown in both size and stature over the past few years. It has positioned itself as a leading institution of higher education, known for its dedication to service, its innovative approach to academic management and human resource development, and its relentless pursuit of excellence in all fields of applied research and instruction.

The GJU is the project manager and initiator. It will lead two work packages of the DESIRE project: project management and implementation work packages. In these two work packages, the GJU will cooperate with all partners to ensure that the project is effectively managed and that all partners have successfully implemented the DESIRE teaching and training modules at their institutions. Furthermore, the GJU will provide the pilot for the implementation of the teaching modules for their optimization before they have been implemented at each partner university. GJU will also ensure the sustainability of the project outcomes by sponsoring the operation and maintenance of the project web site and the e-learning portal associated with it on the long run.



  • Prof. Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli

  • Dr. Mohamad Khawaja

  • Eng. Mai AL-Zu'bi

  • Eng.  Mohammad Ayyash

  • Eng. Mohammad Futian

  • Eng. Hamza AL-Nawafah

University of Jordan (UJ)

Amman, Jordan

The University of Jordan (UJ) was established in 1962, since then it has applied itself to research and community research knowledge. UJ offers 63 international programs at the undergraduate level, and 132 international programs at the graduate level in all field of specialization. Also It offers 32 doctoral programs and 87 master programs. The essential components of most of the programs offered are based on dialogue, applied research, creative thinking, field work, practical training, combined with modern teaching techniques. Since its establishment in 1974, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology has always strived for keeping up with the latest developments in energy applications.

The Mechanical Engineering Department has an energy research group which aims to be the source of knowledge and advanced technology in all forms and areas of energy and environment at all levels of national, regional and global. The department established a renewable energy master program which focuses on the themes of renewable energies and the environmental impact for producing and transforming it.



  • Ahmed Al-Salaymeh

  • Ahmad Sakhrieh

  • Khawlah Spetan 

  • Bothaina Almohtaseb

  • Mohammad Hamdan 

  • Osama Ayadi 

University of Cyprus (UCY)

Nicosia, Cyprus

UCY is the leading research University in Cyprus that aspires to promote scholarship and education standards of excellence through teaching and research. More than 7000 students (undergraduate and graduate) currently undertake studies are the UCY. The University has 8 faculties, 22 departments and 11 research units at UCY, including a Research Centre on Sustainable Energy. UCY is currently managing competitive research funds that exceed the 50 million Euro mark. Recently, it has revised its research policy in order to increase the efficiency of the University to utilize research funding and opportunities, and to better promote research initiatives in Cyprus. The new policy adopts the EC declarations for balancing basic and applied research, and provides the necessary administrative support to the academic and research staff. The Electrical and Computer Engineering department is the largest department in the School of Engineering and it strives to provide high quality degree programs at undergraduate and graduate levels. One of its main priorities is to develop further its research portfolio in the field of renewable energy sources and in particular solar energy, thus utilising Cyprus' high solar resource.



  • George E. Georghiou

  • Maria Hadjipanayi

  • George Makrides

  • Venizelos Efthimiou

  • Alexander Phinikarides

  • Vasiliki Paraskeva

  • Minas Patsalides

  • Ioannis Koumparou

  • Nikolas Philippou

  • Michalis Papastavrou

Cairo University (CU)

Cairo, Egypt

Established in Giza in 1908 it currently Includes 43 faculties and institutes, currently serving more than 230.000 students and employs about 8000 faculty members, 5000 TA and RAs. The Faculty of Engineering (FECU) was founded in 1816 and moved to Current Location 1905 and became part of CU in 1935. FECU is among the top ranked engineering institutes locally and regionally and includes 15 scientific departments and programs, 15 independent business units and research centers and occupies 105.000 square meters in Giza plus new 90000 sq m in sheikh zayed campus. The Faculty of Engineering has more than 1.000 faculty members, 14 thousand undergraduate students and 3000 graduate students. Over 55000 Engineers have graduated in different engineering disciplines. FECU played a major role in establishing other engineering schools locally and regionally and is currently ranked among the top 500 universities.



  • Adel Khalil

  • Sayed Kaseb

Aswan University (AU)

Aswan, Egypt

AU branch was established in 1974 , affiliated to Assuit University. Then the university branch became affiliated with South Valley University in 1995, and finally in 2012, AU was established as an independent University.

Aswan University is a distinct university because it serves the larger geographical scale of Upper Egypt. It includes 17 faculties distributed in 2 campuses. In 2014, it had 10430 undergraduate students in 40 programs and 2320 post-graduate student in 24 Ph.D. & M.Sc. Programs. It contained 850 staff members and 1020 employees. Aswan University looks forward to being one of distinct universities in education and scientific research. Also, it looks forward to achieving high quality in education from the international view. Aswan University cares about presenting the best education opportunities and researches services for students and society. It is interested in saving suitable educational climate and an education that based on scientific research to encourage students to do their bests and to graduate experienced students. Also, the university works on improving the quality of human power in Upper Egypt area to meet society needs.



  • Salama Abdelhady

  • Waleed Abdel-Fadeel

  • Mohahamed Shaban

  • Mohamed Fathy

  • Abuelhassan Elshazly Ahmed Younis

Sapienza University of Rome (UNIROMA1)

Rome, Italy

With over 700 years of history and 120,000 students Sapienza, founded in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII, is the first University in Rome and the largest University in Europe. Sapienza has around 4,500 professors and almost 4,000 administrative and technical staff. Students from other regions are over 30,000. Foreign students are over 7,000. Incoming and outgoing Erasmus students are about 2,000 per year. Sapienza is composed by 11 faculties, 64 departments and several centres devoted to scientific research. There are also 80 PhD programmes available.



  • Vincenzo Naso

  • Franco Rispoli

  • Alessandro Corsini

  • Katiuscia Cipri

  • Gabriella Calderari

  • Graziella Gaglione

Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy (WI)

Wuppertal, Germany

The WI was founded in 1991 and has the legal status of a non-profit limited Company; it receives basic funding from the Land North Rhine-Westphalia and is in the responsibility of the Ministry for Innovation, Science, Research and Technology of the Land North Rhine-Westphalia. Third party fünding Supports most of the Institute's budget and projects. Staff members coming from a wide variety of scientific disciplines: natural and environmental sciences, geography, engineering, planning, law, economics, political and social science. The institute undertakes research and develops models, strategies and instruments for transitions to a sustainable development at local, national and international level. Sustainability research at the Wuppertal Institute focuses on the resources, climate and energy related challenges and their relation to economy and society. Special emphasis is put on analyzing and stimulating innovations that decouple economic growth and wealth from natural resource use.



  • Manfred Fischedick

  • Thomas Fink

  • Bernhard Brand

Technical University of Dresden (TUD)

Dresden, Germany

The TU Dresden is among the top universities in Germany and Europe: strong in research, offering firstrate programmes with an overwhelming diversity, with close ties to culture, industry and society. As a modern full-status university with 14 departments it offers a wide academic range making it one of a very few in Germany. The big campus family of TU Dresden are 37.000 students, 4.300 publicly funded staff members – among them 500 professors – and approximately 3.400 externally funded staff members.

The faculty of Business and Economics was founded 1993. With about 3.000 students, 23 chairs and professorships and 90 scientific assistants it has developed to the largest economics department in Eastern Germany. The faculty offers two bachelor programs (Economics and Business Management, Business and Economics Education), five master programs (Business Management, Economics, Business Engineering, Business Informatics, Business and Economics Education) and two diploma programs (Business Informatics, Business Engineering).



  • Dominik Möst

  • Ina-Maria Stiehler

  • Philipp Hauser

Damascus University (DU)

Damascus, Syria

Damascus University is not only the largest of five universities in the Syrian Arab Republic, but also the oldest for it traces its beginning back to the early twentieth century. The university has just entered the ninth decade of its life and still continues to raise the banner of thought, science and knowledge without hesitance or apathy. The university is keen for Arab generations from all over the Arab world, as well as foreigners, to draw from its light and drink from its trough. And even though Damascus University today is a towering structure integrating all the faculties.

Special care has been given to graduate studies as seen by the opening of a number of postgraduate diplomas in different disciplines and a diploma of qualification. Also a master’s degree was opened in most disciplines and a PhD in some of them.



  • Awos Alsalman

  • Mohyeldin Mourad

  • Adib Allahham

  • Feras Alkatan

  • Fadi Qamar

  • Muhammad Maher Othman Agha

Tishreen University (TU)

Lattakia, Syria

Tishreen University was established by the Presidential Decree No. 12 dated May 20, 1971 issued by late President Hafez Al-Assad in 1971, to be one of the leading Syrian universities.



  • Moussa Alsamara

  • Bassam Hassan

  • Ali Zidan

  • Shoaib Mahmoud

  • Laila Al-taweel

  • Boushra Neameh

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the commission cannot be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Amman Madaba Street, P.O. Box 35247

Amman 11180 Jordan

Project Coordinator |  Prof. Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli  |  Tel +962 6 429-4214             

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