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The second DESIRE Project Meeting in Wuppertal, Germany

The second DESIRE Project Meeting including its steering committee meeting took place at Wuppertal Institute on July 14 and 15 with the participation of its ten partners from six EU-MENA countries. The European ERASMUS+ project, coordinated by the GJU, deals with improving the teaching of the Renewable Energy at higher education institutions in the targeted region. A team of seven academic and administrative staff led by Dr. Louy Qoaider, the project coordinator, participated in the 2 days project meeting.

Participants from Cairo and Aswan Universities from Egypt, Tishreen and Damascus Universities from Syria, University of Jordan, University of Cyprus, Sapienza from Italy and Dresden University and Wuppertal Institute from Germany joined the meeting.

The participants agreed upon next steps in project execution including the topics of the planned teaching materials and the mechanism on how to prepare, quality control and impalement them. Furthermore, the DESIRE Capacity Building Program was discussed and agreed upon its next steps, in which it shall commence in early 2017.

Next regular project meeting will take place in Aswan early 2017.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the commission cannot be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Amman 11180 Jordan

Project Coordinator |  Prof. Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli  |  Tel +962 6 429-4214             

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