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4th DESIRE Project Steering Committee Meeting

The fourth DESIRE project biannual and steering committee meeting was held in Dresden, Germany at the Technical University of Dresden, from July 31st, 2017 to August 2nd, 2017. Project partners from the German Jordanian University, the University of Jordan, University of Cyprus, Sapienza University of Rome, Wuppertal Institute, Technical University of Dresden, Damascus University, and Tishreen University participated in the meeting.

Project coordinator Dr. Louy Qoaider and the Host partner Mr. Philipp Hauser opened the meeting and welcomed participants. On the meeting’s first day, the project partners presented progress made in the project in the last six months and have gone through evaluation and assessment of project progress and outputs. Furthermore, the project external evaluator joined the meeting and gave her interim evaluation results and recommendations for each work package.

The second project meeting day was put to present results and progress made in the elaboration of the project teaching materials and the e-Learning platform. In this regard, six teaching modules should be elaborated and implemented at partner universities and associated partners. The pilot implementation of the first module is planned at several partner universities in the first semester of 2017/18 academic year.

After the presentation of the results from each project partner, a general discussion was held on the elaboration of the teaching materials, teaching plan, and the scheduling of the train of trainers and dissemination workshops.

The steering committee meeting was held on the meeting’s third day to wrap up the project meeting results, discuss project achievements and progress, and plan the next steps.

The DESIRE Project is a three years’ project deals with the development and the sustainable implementation of higher education teaching materials in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency with emphasis on their socio-economic impact. The German Jordanian University if the grant holder of the project with a consortium includes nine partners from six countries.

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